Extension in the North American Cordillera (actively seeking graduate students)
This project looks to understand how and why the North American Cordillera has been in a state of extension throughout the late Cenozoic. Low-temperature thermochronology from the area is being used to accurately resolve the timing and rate of extension from Canada to Nevada.
Sediment transport during glacial retreat
This project looks to accurately track sediment provenance during glacial retreat to better understand how erosion and sediment transport adapt. Ongoing work focuses on the sediment outputs of the Bugaboo Glacier in BC, Canada (pictured below).

Landscape evolution of Northern Atlantic
This work looked at how the elevated coastal topography of West Greenland and Baffin Island evolved over the last 400 million years. Low-temperature thermochronology and landscape evolution modeling were used to show how this landscape is the remnant of much older topography remaining elevated through glacial erosion and crustal buoyancy.

The demographics of geoscience (actively seeking graduate students)
This work aims to collect demographic data on those working in geoscience to better understand which groups are underrepresented and what systemic factors are causing underrepresentation. Results from a demographic survey of the field in Canada will soon become available in a public report.

Patagonia passive margin uplift
This project aims to resolve the timing and rate of uplift across the Patagonian Atlantic coastline. Cosmogenic nuclide dating of abandoned river terraces looks to date when they were deposited and estimate the amount of uplift since.

Laser ablation (U-Th-Sm)/He dating
This project aimed to apply an analytical and modeling workflow for laser ablation apatite (U-Th-Sm)/He dating to detrital river sands from across the Appalachian mountains. Results found that many of the detrital (U-Th-Sm)/He age distributions could be explained with slow protracted exhumation over the last 200 million years.